
Spiritual growth should be the goal of every Christian. As God's children we are, like any child, supposed to grow up into maturity and take hold of this new life that has taken hold of us. But unlike physical change, spiritual growth isn't always that simple. We'll have growth spurts as Christians, but then our change may stop in its tracks or even regress. We want to be mature, but our desires and weaknesses so often get in the way. Few people understand this better than Curt Campbell. As the Program Director of the groundbreaking Nashville Tennessee prison ministry, Men of Valor, Curt has seen both the joys and sorrows involved in pursuing change. His ministry equips the incarcerated and ex-offenders with what they can do to change. But fundamentally, it shows them how to surrender their lives to the God of change--the God who calls us into his family and invites us to grow up in him. Join John for his fourth interview in the Unto Life series—a conversation with Curt Campbell about the God who makes the impossible, possible. The God who works this miracle of transformation on anyone who will give their lives to him.