
The classic book Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis finds its power in showing us a simple faith. A plain faith. One that leaves an immense impact without a lot of noise and fanfare. That's one way to describe Nashville singer-songwriter, Andy Gullahorn. Andy's music and life are purposely quiet and understated, but they are no less powerful. He speaks to us as a close friend. One who helps us relax. To laugh. To feel the joy of community and counsel. But he also shows us a way to discover holiness in the most common, everyday things, broadening our view of how to live eternally in the here-and-now. Join us for this first in a series of Unto Life Interviews: an in-depth conversation with Andy Gullahorn on his life, focus, and mission. (Music courtesy of Andy Gullahorn and Coma-Media from Pixabay.)
In so much of life, we feel adrift. Bounced left and right by the chaos of our world, pummeled by the anxiety of just making it through the day. We need a stable shore, a place of shelter and solace to know we're safe and that there's hope for life beyond the things of earth and frail humanity. The sacred beauty in Fernando Ortega's music gives us this hope. It awakens in us a desire for something more and empowers us to believe we can experience that something in the here-and-now. Join John for his third interview in the Unto Life series—a conversation with Christian singer-songwriter Fernando Ortega about his upbringing amid the high terrain of New Mexico, his approach to quiet and worshipful songwriting, his love for nature and other mediums of art, and his belief that God can use both sacred and secular art to draw us to him, calm our souls, and offer us peace under the shadow of his wings.